Кампании, в которых участвовала дивизия: Северная Франция (Northern France), Нидерланды (Rhineland), Эльзас - Арденны (Ardennes-Alsace), Центральная Европа (Central Europe).
На Северо-Западном ТВД в 1944-1945 гг.
- в боях - 124 дня
- потери личного состава: убито - 710 чел., ранено - 3 400 чел., пропало без вести - 586 чел., попало в плен - 1 чел.; небоевые потери - 3 684 чел.; потери от первоначальной численности - 78,5 %.
- потери танков: средних - 181, легких - 31.
- взято в плен солдат противника - 43 208 чел.
The division landed at Cherbourg France on 23 Sep 44 and trained at Teurtheville France which it left 25 Oct 44. It entered the line in the Fort Driant sector to contain German forces there on 2 Nov 44. CCB crossed over the Bailey Bridge at Thionville and CCA crossed at Mailing to screen in the Saar-Moselle Triangle on 14 Nov 44. Closely supported by aircraft, the division crossed CCA over the Nied River on 18 Nov 44 at a damaged bridge near Filstroff. but in order to speed the advance on the Saare River withdrew and destroyed the bridge there the next day. CCB meanwhile encountered heavy opposition as it neared Merzig on 19 Nov 44, and CCA was halted by obstacles of the Orscholz Swatch Line the following day as CCB fell back under German counterattack. CCA advanced to Nennig and Tettingen on 22 Nov 44 but was forced out of both. As Tettingen was cleared on 25 Nov 44 the division broke off its advance toward Saarburg and repelled counterattacks against Borg. Finally, the division reached the Saare River opposite Merzig on 30 Nov 44 and overcame weak resistance in the Merzig area 1 Dec 44. The capture of Dreisbach the next day marked the completion of division clearing operations west of the Saare.
In response to the German Ardennes Counteroffensive the division was moved to Luxembourg City 17 Dec 44. CCB was engaged at Bastogne on 19 Dec 44 and CCA moved to positions near Echternacht, where it was relieved by the 4th Inf Div 20 Dec 44. The division formed CCX out of CCA, 9th Armd Div and CCR, 10th Armd Div 21 Dec 44 as CCA tried in vain to recover Waldbilling. The division fought at Bastogne, Neville, and Bras until relieved in Luxembourg on 26 Dec 44. The division was then moved east of the Saare to maintain defensive lines. CCB attacked toward Noville on 9 Jan 45 and captured Samree the next day.
The division was moved to the Metz area on 10 Feb 45 and assembled in the Perl-Basch area 19 Feb 45. It renewed the offensive the next day to clear the Saar-Moselle Triangle as it attacked toward Kanzem and Wiltingen bridges and CCB drove northeast on Saarburg. Under heavy enemy fire which prevented bridging, armored-infantry was forced across the Saar near Ockfen 22-24 Feb 45. CCB crossed in the Taben area of 94th Inf Div the following day and on 26 Feb 45 the Ockfen and Serrig bridgeheads were joined and expanded to allow a heavy ponton bridge to be put in at Saarburg. That same day CCB reached Zerf. CCA attacked through CCB on 27 Feb 45 to enter Trier and take the Moselle River bridge intact 1-2 Mar 45. It then attacked across the Ruwer River near Eitelsbach against strong opposition 4 Mar 45 as CCB established a bridgehead under fire over the Kyll River near Ehrang. The Salm River was reached and a bridgehead throvra across in the Dorbach area on 9 Mar 45, and the following day Wittlich was captured. CCA completed the drive from the Alf River to the Moselle and was relieved by the 76th Inf Div at Bullay on 12 Mar 45, and the next day the division completed assembly at Trier for rehabilitation.
The division renewed its offensive 16 Mar 45 as it attacked through the 80th and 94th Inf Divs and reached the Prims River the day after. Bypassing Kaiserlautern, the division stormed Landau on 22 Mar 45. The division crossed the Rhine 28 Mar 45 and assembled in preparation for further attack the next day. It attacked across the Neckar River in the Wieblingen area and advanced against rear-guard resistance to effect a junction vdth the 100th Inf Div around Heilbronn 7 Apr 45. The division fought in Crailsheim Salient 8-10 Apr 45, when withdrawal for movement over the Kocher River in the 63rd Inf Div sector at Weissbach the following day. The division attacked 16 Apr 45 and helped clear Schwaebisch Hall 17-18 Apr 45. It achieved a complete breakthrough over the Rems River 19 Apr 45 and took Kirchheim the day after. The division consolidated and crossed the Danube at Ehingen 23-24 Apr 45, crossing the Austrian border near Fuessen on 28 Apr 45. The next day it attacked across the Lech River vdth CCA at Schongau and CCB at Fuessen. The division was at Klais and Garmisch Austria when it was halted to allow the passage of the 44th and 103rd Inf Divs through its lines 30 Apr 45. When hostilities were declared ended on 7 May 45 the division was at Innsbruck. |