Зеландская дивизия (Sjællandske Division)
Ютландская дивизия (Jydske Division)
Королевский Лейб-гвардейский полк (Den Kongelige Livgarde) (3 infantry btn, support Coy, Anti-tank coy)
шесть пехотных полков (1-5th, 7th) (4 infantry btn, support coy, anti-tank coy)
1 (partly motorised) regiment (6th) with two motorcycle/cycle btn with light anti-tank capacity and 2 inf btn.
1 (partly motorised) Pioneer Command with two motorcycle/cycle btn with light anti-tank capacity.
два кавалерийских полка with 2 armoured car squadrons, 4 horse squadrons, 2 motorcycle, 2 motorised and 4 support and HQ squadrons
- Гвардейский гусарский полк (Gardehusarregimentet, GHR)
- Ютландский драгунский полк (Jydske Dragonregiment)
три артиллерийских полка with a total of 4 motorised light arty btn (each 12 75mm Krupp 1902), 4 horse drawn light arty btn (each 12 75mm), 3 motorised heavy arty btn (each 8 10,5 and 4 15 cm Schneider)
Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment with 3 Btns (each 12 75mm Vickers M1932 and 12 20mm Madsen)
Engineer Regiment with Engineer and signals companies
Гарнизон Борнхольма (Bornholms Værn) with 7 infantry companies. |